

Google Creates Buzz; Facebook and Twitter on High Alert

In terms of expansion, Google shares its tendency with Alexander the Great. Google is certainly the uncrowned king of the Internet, but it keeps extending its territories by launching new products. However, not every product enjoys as successful a fate as Gmail. After Google Wave failed to create waves among netizens, the company has launched

By |2024-06-12T12:24:30+05:30February 12th, 2010|Global, Technology|3 Comments

Get Intimate With Apple’s iPad Tablet Device

Is it a netbook? NO… Is it a smartphone? NO… It’s an iPad! Astounding? NO… Amazing? NO… It’s simply… unbelievable! “So much more intimate than a laptop and so much more capable than a smartphone,” Steve Jobs said at Apple's biggest product launch since the iPhone three years ago. Why iPad Will Become An iFad

By |2020-04-22T17:21:09+05:30January 27th, 2010|Global, Technology|1 Comment

Worldwide Video War – Providers Open Content Floodgates

If Alvin Toffler ever went Shakespearean*, he would have suggested that ‘all ye take heede that future winds of change can best be rode by those ready to learn.' Having exhausted all possible variations on online models of print, or publishing to be more exact, the eye of the online world has been steadily increasing

By |2020-04-22T18:58:10+05:30December 16th, 2009|Business, Content, Marketing, Technology|0 Comments

Get Wavy with Google Wave

The ocean of information needed it. Yes, a wave that can enfold messages across various media and serve them to multiple users for communicating live and collaboratively is here. Google Wave is the offspring of electronic mail and Web 2.0, brought up by Google. Communication has advanced from messages by individuals to shared conversations. Communication

By |2024-06-12T12:24:45+05:30October 26th, 2009|Global, Technology|0 Comments

Launching Website

Veda Informatics, a fast-growing internet visibility optimization company, has launched, offering website development services focused on the needs of individuals and small businesses. Start-ups and small businesses are typically tight on funds, but cannot forgo having a web presence. Open source platforms are ideal for such start-ups, as they give developers the flexibility to

By |2020-04-23T12:50:32+05:30September 17th, 2009|Development, News, Technology|0 Comments

Veda Informatics makes it to Microsoft’s BizSpark Program

We are now part of Microsoft's BizSpark Program. This is exciting, as this global program fosters the success of innovative startups committed to Microsoft's platform technologies. Earlier this month, Veda was selected to join the Microsoft BizSpark Program as a Network Partner. Launched in November 2008, the BizSpark Program is a global business program designed

By |2020-04-23T12:54:51+05:30August 25th, 2009|Business, Development, Global, News, Technology|0 Comments