Monthly Archives: September 2010


Top Social Media Sites

With the veritable deluge of social media sites coming up, it is quite difficult to identify the ones that are the most appropriate for promoting your business. Managing a business profile on all social media sites does not work well either. You need to choose the right ones, depending upon the type of your business.

By |2020-04-21T15:17:34+05:30September 16th, 2010|Marketing|1 Comment

5 Things You Need to Know About Internet Social Media Marketing

The core strength of Web 2.0 is interaction. Internet social media marketing uses platforms that combine social interaction and technology. It empowers companies to engage in a two way communication with their clients, prospective customers and strategic business partners. The wide reach of social media has made it a very powerful tool for any marketer.

By |2020-04-21T15:39:08+05:30September 10th, 2010|Marketing|3 Comments